Painting in Public

In the last few months I’ve been fortunate to have an offer to paint on occasion in Jed Dorsey’s Gallery and Studio space at Camano Commons on Camano Island. Not only is painting in public a wonderful way to meet new people, new clients, and to showcase my art, it’s also a great way to see my work and my process through other people’s eyes. I get to hear people’s stories and see what makes them connect to art. While I’ve always thought of myself as someone who enjoys mostly solitude, what I’ve discovered about myself is that I really like being in public and painting in public. It changes the process. It enhances the rewards of making art because it’s seen and discovered while it’s being made. So often someone asks why so many layers? Or wonders at what made me choose a certain image to focus on? Answering these questions makes me explore the why’s too. I’ve been away visiting friends, but I’m looking forward to some more days in the studio.
